20ª Bienal Internacional do Livro SP
Minis Brasil > Shows & Events

On Sunday Aug/17, Regina was there showing how to make some minis and signing her book Miniaturas e Maquetes (check it out at Read Minis. She was there again on Aug/23.
It's not meant for dollhouse scales, but it fits beautifully! It's a real newspaper, with current news and everything! You can subscribe it and have it sent to your home. Published in Divinopolis, Minas Gerais state, since 1935, Vossa Senhoria also has a GUINNES World Records certificate as the smallest published newspaper in the world!!
One issue (certificate included) for just R$ 1.00. A true bargain!
Update 2024: this newspaper continued to be printed and sent to subscribers until its last edition, in March 2018.
The Smallest Books in the World (Menores Livros do Mundo) are 100% readable. They have more than 300 titles printed, in Spanish, Portuguese and English. Their sizes vary from 1.5 cm to 6.5 cm in height.
They also sell tiny shelves or cupboards to keep them. I think they'd look cute in a dollhouse.
At their stand, there were some miniature settings at display, one for each month of the year. They're made of wood and paper, very interesting! There were no info about the artisan(s) who made them.
Potential buyers could see up close several items that came with Planeta Publishing House's collection "Mediteranean House" (called "Beach house" in Brazil), to be issued one per week for over 100 weeks. They also explained to those interested how their subscription system works.