Read Minis
World of Minis

Author: Regina Passy-Yip
ISBN: 8572050663
"A arte das miniaturas" shows how to create mini scenes using easy techniques and easily available materials. A special care is given to woodworking to build your own mini furniture.
Author: Regina Mazzocato Nacca
ISBN: 8572050663
Regina introduces us to mock-up building 101. If you have ever been curious about them or about miniatures and how they are made, this is the book for you.

Carpets And Rugs Sue Hawkins
You can find a selection or 25+ carpets in different styles. Historical details are provided for each piece. Charts for alternative color designs are included. All the designs have symbol-on-color stitching charts, and materials, tools and techniques are explained, with step-by-step diagrams and photographs.
Doll's House Furniture Freida Gray
Inventories of the necessary tools, equipment, and materials, plus same-size drawings, cutting lists, and color photographs of the completed furnishings. Learn how to make a simple winged chair; picnic table; elegant double bed; wardrobe, tall kitchen dresser, and a range of magnificent Portuguese painted pieces.
Curtains Sue Heaser
Create life-like curtains and window dressings for dollhouses of every period and style. From curtains, blinds and drapes, to pelmets, tiebacks and valances, everything you need to create inspirational window dressings for our doll house is included here. Over 25 step-by-step projects.
Making doll's house miniatures with polymer clay
Learn to make fruit, bread, cake, meat, flowers, plants, a bathtub, a toilet, sink, tiles, dinner and tea sets, pans, table and floor lamps, toys, etc. Everything you need to know about polymer clay. Plenty of pictures and illustrations.
Magnificent Miniatures
Mulvany & Rogers
Mulvany & Rogers
This beautifully illustrated book captures the full breadth of Mulvany and Rogers’ achievements, and reveals the techniques and materials they use to fashion their stunning recreations. Practical projects for the reader include wood paneling, parquet flooring, trompe l’oeil marbling, and much more.
Making Miniature Food Angie Scarr
Miniatures artist Scarr makes wonderfully realistic food from polymer clay. Her book is full of step-by-step projects for bakery goods, meats, fruits, and vegetables, all photographed in great detail.
Miniatures en pâte Fimo
Nathalie Gireaud
Nathalie Gireaud
A selection of miniatures you can make with polymer clay, along with the different stages of modeling. A collection of printables to decorate the miniature settings suggested for you to display the miniatures you make with clay (reduced labels, packaging, etc).
1/12 scale wicker furniture Sheila Smith
25 projects, shown in color photos, include a dining room table and chairs; bed and blanket box; bathroom shelf; kitchen storage baskets; and much more. From a baby’s cradle to a chaise longue, each item is a small masterpiece.
Needlepoint 1/12 Felicity Price
From simple cushions and pictures to more challenging rugs and carpets. A nautical theme for the bathroom; teddy bears for the nursery; rich blues and golds for the dining room. Basic guides to stitching, designing, and finishing acquaint newcomers with the art of needlepoint.
Making Miniatures Christiane Berridge
22 unique projects, done in standard 1/12 size. A Swedish Bedroom, a Floral Room. You can also craft a greenhouse, Japanese garden, general store, or theater box, along with pretty polymer clay people to populate each lovely space you make.
Teddy Bear's Doll House
Kazuaki & Youko
Kazuaki & Youko
With lots of illustrations and pictures that make it easy to follow the instructions even if you don't speak Japanese. You can make roomboxes of a bedroom, a living room, a kitchen, with all furniture and accessories that will bring them to life. They are built individually or can be arranged as a dollhouse.
Doll House No. 1 Several
This series of 10 books brings excellent tutorials on minis, furniture, food, accessories in general. Plenty of step-by-step pictures that make it easy to follow even if you don't speak the language. Loads of eye-candies from talented Japanese miniaturists as well.
Magazines on dollhouse miniatures you can read from your smartphone, tablet, notebook or PC. You can choose whether you want to buy only one specific issue or if you want to subscribe it for 1 year (renewable). Enter "Dolls House" in the search field to see the available magazines on this topic.

- A.I.M (Artisans in Miniature) - published between 2009 and 2019. Free online magazine. You can download the pdf of each issue. Made with the cooperation of miniaturists from all over the world, including some brazilian ones.
- C.D.H.M (Custom Dolls, Houses & Miniatures - Published between 2010 and 2011.Online and free. You can download the pdf format.
- American Miniaturist / Dolls House World / Dollhouse Miniatures - All 3 magazines are published by the same house, Ashdown. In every issue you can find tutorials, interviews, highlight on some miniature items, printables, ads and much more. It is possible to buy the actual magazine from the publisher or you can choose to subscribe the online version only, more affordable.
- Dolls House & Miniature Scene - Excellent printed magazine. British. Unfortunately it's no longer published, but it is possible to download (paid) issues of the digital version at Pocket Mags.
- Miniature Collector - All issues brought some tutorials, a sector devoted to children with easy tutorials to follow. But its specialty was, as the name said it, high end items, for collectors. It was discontinued in 2018, as the publisher closed down. It is possible to find second hand hard copies at sites like ebay.
- La Bacchetta Magica - the last issue was no. 24. It was published between 2007 and 2011. It is still possible to buy hard copies directly from their website.

- Miniaturas Casa de Muñecas - Many pictures, tips, tutorials and printables. Some Brazilian miniature artisans have been featured there. Discontinued. It is possible to buy second hand hard copies on the internet. Search on Google.
- Taller de Miniaturas - Plenty of tutorials. Online and free, you can download the pdf of each issue. Made in cooperation of several miniature artisans. Published between 2010 and 2011.