Mega Artesanal 2008
Minis Brasil > Shows & Events

This was a very special event for dollhouse miniatures in Brazil. Every year this mega crafts trade fair takes place in São Paulo. In 2008, for the first time, there was a massive presence of miniatures all over it, and a dedicated space for them in form of an exhibit. Roomboxes created by talented Brazilian artisans from all over the country stayed at display for the duration of the event. And we also had some dollhouse miniature vendors stands and tables.
This trade show is huge, and most main manufacturers of supplies and tools for craft makers are there to showroom, sell and launch their products. It's totally devoted to all sorts of crafts and crafters - hobbyists and pros.
For the first time I saw there miniature artisans selling their work and an exhibit of dollhouse miniature roomboxes by Brazilian artisans from all over the country.
Some had a stand of their own, like Cia das Artes, Anynha Miniaturas and Casa do Miniaturista. It was so satisfying to see all of them together. As they are mainly online stores, having the chance to see their items up close and in the same area is a very special opportunity. Hard to resist buying!
We also had Regina Passy-Yip, teaching some open classes on how to make a miniature bonsai.