Febramini 2010
Minis Brasil > Shows & Events

The 4th FEBRAMINI happened in the last weekend of November, 2010, in Pépp & Órson's new home/studio.
The highlight of the event was the house itself. Not only it's a beautiful construction, but it's also decorated with their good taste for arts and beautiful paintings and pieces all around. And it also has a relaxing deck with an amazing view of the city. The most special place is their "Enchanted Basement", filled with roomboxes they've created. It's an extra bonus besides the exhibit of several roomboxes by other very talented Brazilian artisans. .
And here is a very short video with some of those roomboxes.

Some of the roomboxes at display were made by:
- Flávia Oliveira
- Hamilton Sandoval
- Ivani Grande
- Núria Torrents
- Pépp & Órson
- Regina Passy
- Sérgio Duarte
- Thaís Ber
- Tereza Staubitz
- Vera di Sessa
- Vitória Alves

Special Show
Angelo Pinheiro and Ivani Grande worked (a lot!) together to deliver 150 identical copies of this showpiece: the front of a vintage Pharmacy commissioned to celebrate 50 years of Conselho Federal de Farmácia.
In the side/back of the "building" there is a made-to-measure slot to hold their special commemorative book.

The Bazaar
Another very much anticipated aspect at each Febramini is the sales. What better place to buy minis directly from the artisans who make them?