
Meet the makers
The main purpose of Dollhouse Brazil is to divulge information about miniatures. And the work of miniature artisans all over the world.
Therefore, nothing better than giving them voice. In the interviews below you can get to know them a little better, how they started in the miniature world, what inspires them, their dreams and projects.
Update 2024: Some of those dear and much appreciated miniature artisans have left us and now they are most likely in heaven awing all around with their precious miniatures. They are sure missed, but their work must always be remembered with reverence and care. Their interviews will remain here, for as long as DHB stays online, as an homage to their greatness and talent.
Enjoy this unique opportunity to "meet" them by reading the interviews published here:

Angelo Pinheiro
published on June/14/2008
Graduated at Liceu de Artes e Ofícios de São Paulo Escola Técnica as Construction Technician.
He works with architectural mock-ups projects and teaches miniature, drawing and architectural modeling techniques.

published em Sep/14/2009
Ana Dalgiza, or "Anynha", found in miniatures the best place to exercise her creativity. She designs and makes miniatures from almost all kinds of materials and she also sells finished roomboxes.
From Curitiba, Paraná, she reached everywhere in Brazil with her online miniatures store, and she also participated in the main crafts trade shows in the country.

Betinha Murta
made on Jul/2009
Picture a tall woman, 5’11”, using her not so tiny hands to make really tiny, delicate and beautiful pieces. Well, that’s Bethinha, short for Elizabeth.
She got the Artisan of the Year Awards, 2009, and they created a category for miniatures because of her.
Read and learn more about her and her work:

Chu (Quadrini)
published on Jun/20/2009
Maria Regina Quadrini, or just "Chu", doesn't follow standard scales, but the harmony in her miniature pieces is indisputable!
Her miniatures range from ~1:24, ~1:48, ~1:87, to smaller than 1:144.
She lives in an eco paradise in Embu - SP, completely cut out from social media, but she gracefully agreed to have me there and show me her work.

Ivani Grande
made in May/2009
For her, miniatures were a recurrent dream. That one day became reality. Great is her talent and productivity.
She has faithful customers in Brazil and abroad, and she's a frequent seller at miniature shows abroad. Her miniatures are a dream come true too for all of those who get to know them.

publicada em 22/08/2008
The cousins Anna Helena and Regina Fiore came from a family with art in their veins. I had the great pleasure to visit them in their studio. Each corner was a delightful mini-discovery!
Update 2024: Unfortunately both of them passed away in 2020 and are now awing the angels in the sky with their wonderful miniatures. This interview will remain here in honor of their talent and cheerfulness.

Pépp & Órson
published on Jul/12/2008
Pépp Assis and Órson Luis. This partnership has lots of talent and creativity, and they have been a success in miniatures since 1991. Learn more about their pioneering trajectory working with miniatures in Brazil.
2024 update: Órson unfortunately passed away and now he's fascinating the angels with his talent and art. This interview will remain here to honor his talent.

Regina Nacca
published on Oct/22/2008
Regina Nacca works as a graphic designer and also makes architecture mock-ups. She's a teacher in the field, and carries out projects and workshops at several organizations. Graduated in Business Management, she signed her book "Maquetes e Miniaturas", at a huge biannual book trade fair in São Paulo in 2008, where I interviewed her.

Regina Passy
published on Sep/16/2008
One of the pioneers in teaching and promoting miniatures in Brazil, Regina is a very talented artist. Her pieces reflect her care and attention to detail she pays to every thing she does.
This is a golden chance to get to know more about her work and experience!

Dana Burton
published on Jul/18/2010
Dana Burton is a talented doll maker. The so absolutely natural draping, hairdo (wigging), and pose she gives to her dolls make them irresistible.
Read and learn more about this generous artisan who has been helping and inspiring so many on the art of creating dolls that look like real people in miniature!

James Carrington
published on March/01/2012
James Carrington is an IGMA fellow. An accomplished master in the field and well known internationally, he's very accessible, nice, friendly and cheerful.
This interview is a memorable lesson of life, joy, packed with tips that are precious to those who want to learn how to make dolls or to artisans in general.

Linda Frye
published on July/18/2010
Linda Frye is the owner of the brand "The Three Blind Mice". She is the producer of this miniature show that takes places at several cities in Florida, US.
Her main goal is to keep costs low and affordable to both dealers and customers. And make sure everyone has fun and finds what they want!

Thelma DeMett
published on Jul/18/2010
Meet the IGMA Fellow, also creator and promoter of the IMA (Independent Miniature Artisans) Show, Thelma Lewis DeMett. From costuming dolls to show dealer to show owner, this really nice, friendly and welcoming artisan and her family have the talent to make you feel welcome and at home in her show.
Update 2024: this show has been discontinued in 2013.
If you know of any artisan / miniaturist you wish were interviewed by DHB, please, send your suggestion via contact form.